
Si-Slam Award

 J. Wolf (EMPA)

The ID and password are included in the email sent by the secretariat on March 13th.

'Si-Slam' is a unique ISOS event designed specifically for young researchers (students and post-docs) to present their research in an easy-to-understand and captivating manner. First held at the Berlin ISOS meeting in 2014, this event offers a valuable opportunity for aspiring researchers to develop original approaches for expressing themselves and describing their work, which is expected to further enhance their passion and vision for research. We, the Organizing Committee, hope that young researchers will incorporate their future dreams in silicon chemistry into their presentations.

Interested parties are requested to submit a three-minute video as a mp4 file to the Organizing Committee via email ( no later than February 29, 2024. The videos will be made available to symposium participants through the symposium website from March 1 to May 17, 2024. Outstanding entries will be determined by voting by symposium participants (voting period: March 1 to April 30, 2024).

*All entries will receive a participation award.
*Researchers chosen for their outstanding entries will be asked to make an on-site presentation at the symposium. The contents of the video may be modified for the on-site presentation as long as the concept remains unchanged.

© the 20th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry